
This original history by Paul C. King. Compiled from the minutes of the VPMIA meeting April14, 1962.

A small group of Virginia plumbing inspectors met in 1959 following a seminar at VPIA inBlacksburg. The group discussed the possibility of forming a statewide association for the purpose ofdissemination of information touching on new methods, materials and testing procedures used in theplumbing and heating profession.

Following the three-day seminar the inspectors returned to their respective jobs. Being dedicatedto their profession, these men contacted individual members of the Virginia State Master PlumbersAssociation meeting. Cards were mailed asking the inspectors if they were interested in forming suchan association.

The first meeting of the group, which would be called The Virginia Plumbing InspectorsAssociation, took place April 14, 1962 at the Hotel John Marshall in Richmond. Attending werefourteen plumbing inspectors and three associate members. (These names are published as CharterMembers.) The first order of business for the group was to name a temporary chairman, Mr.Mannion, followed by nomination and election of officers.

Officers elected were: President, Charles E. Mannion, Richmond; Vice President, Paul C. King,County of Fairfax; Secretary, John B. Mason, Henrico County; Treasurer, James B. Jones, Jr.,Martinsville; and Sgt. At Arms, E. R. Carr, Winchester. Board of Directors named included: U.E.Allen, Jr., Portsmouth; Frank B. Bosman, County of Arlington; and Gordon Dameron, Danville.

A committee consisting of inspectors King, Chairman, Carr and Cooper was appointed andinstructed to draw up the proposed by-laws for the association. A general discussion followedcovering the aims and purposes of the organization. A date was set for the next meeting and thegroup adjourned its meeting to join the Master Plumbers Association, which was in session at thistime.


By-Laws Adopted

VPMIA met November 3, 1962 at 1014 East Broad Street, Richmond. The By-Laws Committeepresented its report, which was duly adopted. Article II of those by-laws set forth the purpose of theorganization:

A. Cooperate in the formulation of Virginia Plumbing Code Standards.
B. Promote uniform understanding and application of all city, town and county plumbing codes.
C. Secure and promote uniform administrative ordinances and inspection methods.
D. Promote closer cooperation between inspectors, inspection departments, health departments,
contractors and the public.
E. Promote and improve the standards of the profession of plumbing inspectors.
F. To institute and maintain a central organization to properly test new materials and methods to be
used in this Commonwealth.


School of Instruction

The Association embarked on a program when Paul C. King served as proxy which has proven tobe well accepted by those men serving in all phases of the plumbing industry. Known as “School ofInstruction and Conference,” the program owes its success to D. Paul Jack, Hampton. Through hisefforts, almost single-handedly, Mr. Jack managed to obtain speakers from Texas, across the south,and as far west as Wisconsin. The first annual School of Instruction and Conference was held inHampton on April 17 and 18, 1964 and was a huge success. Each succeeding year has found themeeting generating more interest in the plumbing profession.

Inspectors have found that the annual school and conference has given us the opportunity to carryout some of the aims of VPIA, namely: “the dissemination of new methods and materials” on a state-wide basis. Our speakers are not only considered experts in their fields but they also present factswhich help to generate enthusiasm among those association members interested in promoting theplumbing profession.


Executive Secretary

In 1969 the Board of Directors appointed an Executive Secretary with the responsibilities to directthe school for Qualified Plumbing Inspectors and to publish a newsletter for the purpose of keepinginspectors abreast with the workings of the association and other related items of interest that inspectorsin Virginia and the southeastern states should be concerned with. Thus far the newsletter hasaccomplished its purpose and its present circulation includes eighteen states.

We are proud to be members of VPIA. The knowledge we have gained during the past years hasmade it possible for us to be cognizant that the plumbing profession is indeed one of the leading ‘trades’in the building industry.


History Up-Date

In 1986, the Board of Directors instructed the committee on bylaws to update and revise the by-laws to meet and comply with the present day regulations. President John W. Thurston appointedEdward J. Baldwin, Jr., Chairman and D. Paul Jack as part of a two-member committee to study andpropose the needed changes.

On April 1988, at the Twenty-Fifth Annual School of Instruction as the yearly conference had nowcome to be known, after two years of study and consideration by the committee and board of directors,the amended by-laws were approved and adopted by the voting membership of the Virginia PlumbingInspectors Association.

On July 21, 1990, at the Association’s summer meeting, the voting membership of the VirginiaPlumbing Inspectors Association voted unanimously to change the name of the Association to theVirginia Plumbing and Mechanical Inspectors Association. The change was felt necessary because ofthe number of jurisdictions within the Commonwealth of Virginia having separate mechanical inspectiondivisions whose inspectors were seeking educational opportunity. It was the feeling of the membershipthat this Association could provide that opportunity of educational instruction.

In-as-much as there were some other concerns regarding the by-laws, the Committee on By-Laws,consisting of Edward J. Baldwin, Jr., Chairman, Kenneth R. Snyder, Sr. and D. Paul Jack, ViceChairmen, William F. Hines, Dennis W. McNaughton, Thomas C. Roberts and Paul M. Adams,Executive Secretary, was directed by President Robert M. Broome to study and submit amendments tothe by-laws reflecting the name change and other necessary changes needed to include the mechanicalpersonnel. Through the course of the study, an executive board, four regional director’s positions andspecific duties of the presidential appointed chairpersons were incorporated. The amended by-lawswere approved by the committee on September 6, 1990 by the board of directors on October 6, 1990and by the general membership in December 1, 1990. After a period of working under the executiveboard, which consisted of the elected officers and the four regional directors, the board of directorsinstructed the Committee on By-Laws to once again review and recommend any needed changesdeemed necessary. This resulted in more changes being proposed, the most significant being a change inthe fundamental membership and voting rules. The system used since the beginning of the Associationwas that of jurisdictional membership with a limit of one vote per jurisdiction. The proposedamendments included a change to individual membership with one vote per active member (associatemembers must remain without a vote in order to protect chapter membership in building officials andcode administrations international).

The progress of these amendments, of the proposals and counter proposals, spanned the terms ofthree presidents and three by-laws committees. The first action of the general membership, whichresulted in a change, was made on March 26, 1994 at the conclusion of the Thirty-First Annual Schoolof Instruction. That change eliminated the executive board and dictated meeting schedules. Action wastaken on June 25, 1994 which clarified the responsibilities of various officers and both board andpresidential appointments. The action which resulted in the current by-laws was taken at the wintermeeting on December 3, 1994.

During the course of the by-laws change process, another transition for our Association was underway. In the spirit of promoting closer cooperation between inspectors, inspection departments andplumbing contractors, the membership decided to hold the Twenty-Eighth Annual School of Instructionin Norfolk. The dates were April 11, 12, and 13, 1991 and this coincided with the annual meeting ofThe Virginia Cross Connection Control Association, The Virginia Association of Plumbing, Heating andCooling Contractors, and the Richmond Chapter of The American Society of Plumbing Engineers.Although the various associations involved held their own separate educational and business meetings,the trade exposition, where new products and materials could be analyzed and evaluated in a “hands-on” manner, was a central focal point. This cooperation has proven to be a successful format andcontinues with most of the same organizations being involved.

The Virginia Plumbing and Mechanical Inspectors Association was founded for the purpose ofeducation and communication. As further evidence of this commitment, the annual summer meeting wasexpanded, beginning in 1994, to include a day of technical training. With the consolidation of BOCA,ICBO and SBCCI into the International Code Council and subsequent adoption of the InternationalCodes in Virginia, the potential for growth has expanded and we have taken up the challenge. Wecontinue to be a leader in the support of education and code development. In 2002 we received theBOCA Chapter of the Year Award for excel-ling in educational opportunities, membership andparticipation in BOCA activities. In 2004, we received the Directors Award from the VirginiaDepartment of Housing and Community Development in recognition of our members’ participation inthe development and delivery of plumbing and mechanical code educational modules for the VirginiaBuilding Code Academy as well as conducting statewide training in plumbing, mechanical and fuel gascode requirements and service on the Building Code Academy Advisory Committee. In 2005 theAssociation was honored to accept a Chapter Merit Award from the International Code Council.

Closer ties with our partners in code development and administration both within Virginia andthroughout the country have developed. VPMIA, along with the Virginia Building and Code OfficialsAssociation and the Virginia Fire Prevention Association came together in October of 2005 for the firstever joint conference. The educational seminar lasted for four days with duel tracks offering a widevariety of training from Legal Aspects of Code Enforcement to Hydrogen Refueling Station installations.We have strengthened our Association by focusing on our responsibilities and purpose. Our foundationnow consists of a vision, a mission and a strategic plan to further our goals. Thus we go onward, notknowing what challenges are to be faced tomorrow, but confident that through our dedication tolearning today, we will be prepared.


Making History

The VPMIA, VBCOA, VFPA Joint Conference – On October 21, 2005 the Virginia Plumbing andMechanical Inspectors Association together with the Virginia Building Officials Association and theVirginia Fire Prevention Association held the first ever Joint Code Conference in Hampton, Virginia atHampton’s brand new Conference Center. The conference was a four day event that offered training inall areas of code enforcement. The Conference gave the participants an opportunity to network witheach other, develop code knowledge, and earn valued continuing education credits towards certificationmaintenance. The training, which included everything from Legal Aspects of Code Enforcement toKitchen Exhaust Installations, was the center piece of the conference utilizing top trainers from aroundthe country.

ICC CEO, James Lee Witt, former FEMA Director and ICC President Henry L. Green were onhand to install Officers and speak to the members. They spoke about the International Code CouncilFoundation that is helping the Gulf Region Code Officials that were devastated by the hurricanes lastsummer, get back on their feet. They also spoke regarding ICC’s efforts to provide uniform codes forusers nationwide. Mr. Witt is spearheading an effort called HEROS. It helps wounded war veteransretrofit their homes for handicapped accessibility as they return from war with devastating handicaps.

A table-top show, with manufacturers of building materials, computer systems and organizationssuch as ICC and UL were on hand to discuss their products and services. Several of the table-topvendors also taught classes in their specialized areas. The ICC delivered a whole day class on the legalaspects of code enforcement which generated many questions from the class participants.

The social events were a big hit and well attended. On Saturday evening participants were treated toa buffet dinner and casino night at the Air and Space Museum, in Hampton. Everyone had a great timeat the casino night and enjoyed the flight simulators. The next morning you had your choice of a golfouting or a fishing trip on the Chesapeake Bay. Although there weren’t any hole in ones and very fewfish were caught, everyone had a good time and took advantage of the opportunity to network.

Plans are being made for another joint conference in the future so be prepared to find yourselfamong the finest code enforcement officials in the state when we do it again.

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